So exciting! I received a Beautiful Blog Award from a new blogger friend the other day and was SUPER surprised and flattered! I was like...wait....someone actually found my blog and liked it that isn't a relative or personal friend?!?! WAHOO!
I received this award from Stacey over at Boy, Oh, Boy, Oh Boy! whom has a really fun blog that I've just am getting familiar with and having fun looking around and exploring. I was really surprised to see that she made homemade perogies in one of her posts! My husband and I LOVE perogies and he is always trying to perfect his recipe and technique...but it seems like no one else even knows what perogies are! (They are SO missing out!) Anyways, she has some great ideas on her blog and I can't wait to spend more time over there. Thank you Stacey! You made my day!
Now, onto the rules
1.Thank the link to the person that gave you the award2.Pass this award on to 7 bloggers you've recently discovered and whom you think are fantastic
3.Contact said Blogs to let them know they've won
4.State 7 Things about yourself!
So, here are a few of my most recently, favorite blogs:
1. Can I pass it back to someone who already got it? I'd love to award to to Stacey!
2. Mia Joie
3. MaryJanes and Galoshes
4. Made By Bronwyn
5. Raised in Cotton
6. Melonbelly
7. Wanna be a Balanced Mom
8. The Mommy Files
These are all SUPER fantastic blogs I have recently found and fell in love with!
Oh yeah, and 7 things about myself:
1. I'm 34 weeks pregnant and feel like I'm going to POP! And I can't wait to get back to the GYM!
2. Although I grew up in Canada, I LOVE the almost snow free winters in the south!
3. I LOVE french fries
4. I LOVE Chocolate...a real chocoholic here!
5. I love the color teal/aqua/turquoise
6. I've been able to create a residual income from home for a little over 2 years now...without any investments! HERE's how!
7. I Love attempting to recreate things that I fall in love with but can't afford!