Review and Giveaway
Get Kids Hooked on Eating Fruits and Vegetables
The premise behind Copy Kids Eat Fruit and Vegetables is that young children are more willing to try new fruits and vegetables when they see another child eating them. I believe this idea is totally valid because I have witnessed this myself with my own kids. My older daughter always eats better when she's around her older cousins and my 2 year old son who shows little interest in sitting at the table and eating, will sit and eat a meal, even food he's consistently refused before, when we have interesting company over (i.e grandparents, aunts or uncles - but unfortunately non of them live close by). So I was very excited for the opportunity to review the Copy Kids DVD.
J wanted to make a movie of her eating her veggies just like "those kids"
I told my daughter I had a new movie to watch she had never seen before and didn't tell her the name of it. The first two comments she made as we watched the Copy Kids DVD were
"I want a pepper!" and "I want to copy her!"
Then my daughter wanted to eat a bunch of cucumber followed by 3 enormous carrots. She got too full and couldn't finish all 3 but she ate most of 2. She planned on eating raw broccoli after the carrots but she got too full.
Here's what my kids were saying while watching Copy Kids Eat Fruit and Vegetables
"I WANT TO COPY HER!" (she didn't know the name of the video was "copy kids")
"I want to copy those kids!"
"LOOK! He likes that!" (avocado)
"Can I eat those?"
"Today I'm going to eat ALL the vegetables that they're eating"
"LOOK!!! They LIKE them!"
"AJSDLKJEWRNJHAJjadfsajslfjasf!!!!!" (I couldn't understand her mouth was stuffed with peppers)
"I'm going to eat cucumbers after that (peppers) and then watch the cucumber movie when I eat cucumbers mom"
the shocking part was my finicky 2 year old grabbing slices of bell pepper and demanding "MORE MOO-EE!!! MORE MOO-EE!" and nibbling on the pepper (MOO-EE means Movie) as the movie had gone to the menu after the bell pepper segment had finished.
The Copy Kids DVD shows kids of various ages having fun and enjoying their food. It is cute and the sound effects and style of it reminds me a little of the Baby Einstein series, which kids really enjoy. The evening ended with my kids fighting over the bell pepper strips. As much as my kids enjoyed and were fascinated by this video and inspired to chow on some raw veggies, watching little children/toddlers eat is not all that appetizing to me. When the toddlers in the video were scarfing down avocado in HD on my big screen, it made me want to gag...despite that, overall the video is very cute, fun and makes my kids want to eat more fruits and vegetables so it's got two thumbs up in my book! Just make sure you have a selection of fruits and vegetables on hand before you put this on or your kids might be upset...they want to COPY THE KIDS while watching it!
Want to win a free copy and get your kids chowing down on healthy fruits and vegetables NOW? Just enter below!
You can learn more by visiting
the Copy Kids website HERE
the Copy Kids youtube channel HERE
a Rafflecopter giveaway
GIVEAWAY HAS ENDED but you can still get a copy here
And if you haven't made the Rainbow in my Tummy - Eating Your Colors Activity Set tutorial I created, head over and print off the template, this will go perfectly with the DVD to get your kids eating all the colors of the rainbow in fresh produce!

My son likes carrots.
daughter loves cucumbers!
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
contact emai: tsgiveaways(at)
would love to win! sounds amazing!
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