Saturday, October 29, 2011

Chubby Cheeks Collection


Here is a picture of me at my table with J near the end of the day, I sold most of the neckties, they did the best.    The gal I was sharing a room with was a professional craft fair girl with pretty much a portable storefront and it was all bows and hairstuff and her display was just amazing....probably not the best placement for a simple looking table newbie craft fair person like me! lol!  I'm excited the ties did so well and I did still sell the girl hair accessories, they just weren't moving as much as the ties.  It was really fun and although I still have plenty of inventory left, It went well enough that I would do it again.  I went into this thinking of it as an experiment and not forming any expectations so I am definitely happy with how it went!  I also wanted to say thanks to all of my new customers and everyone who stopped by and took cards!

I haven't had a chance to get my store on etsy set up yet, sad to say I think I started my account for my shop over a year ago but then we had too much going on at the time to finish getting it set up. I will be listing many of these items and some samples of other products I can make soon.  I can do custom orders of anything as well so if you saw something today or have something in mind, let me know and we can get that going.

My first sale of the day was a yellow version of the "When I grow up I want to be like my daddy" canvas sign. (you can see the blue on in the back corner of my table)

The beginning of 
Chubby Cheeks Collection
in the making for a long time but the little boys line started when I decided to make this tie for B's 1 year pictures
because boys need cute accessories too! Look at my little stud!

Samples of boys ties and appliques


Chubby Cheeks Collection includes fun girl stuff from tutus, headbands, hair clips, are some examples of some items I've made that can be made to order or let do a custom order! :)
boutique style tutus

dress up fun...

rose petal tutus


Pillowcase Dresses and Headbands

Glowing Rapunzel Braid

Chubby Cheeks includes canvas art and room decor
(email me about your custom order


Artist Portraits

 Nursery Mobiles


I'm sure I'll be adding to this, I need to post pictures of the girly hair clips that were a hit at the show today and a few other things but I don't have good photos yet

Enjoy your weekend!

ps. Scrappy Saturdays link up will be open all week this week so don't forget to add your link!

Scrappy Saturdays #10

Can you believe it's the weekend already???  Wow!  Today is the day, the Arts and Craft fair so wish me luck!   I'm grateful my mother-in-law is visiting and happy to help:)

Check out these awesome scrappy projects....

Talk about using scraps...
I like this funny witch decorations made with a jagermeister bottle by A Creative princess.

I thought this jar was super clever by tales of a trophy wife

I heart these fabric covered button bookmarks by quiver full of blessings

Pallet board shelves by reno and reorganization are pretty cool don't ya think?

I am loving this great tutorial for these fun halloween hair bows by creative juice. They are just so cute!!!

Alrighty, if you've been featured, you can grab a brag button here

if you like this linky/blog you can follow me on GFC, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or vote for me on Top Mommy Blogs...:) 
Visit some of the other links and leave some comment love :)
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grab a button below and post it with your other linky lists

Link up your awesome projects using scraps (of any kind), upcycling, redo/makeovers, and anything you made including materials you found or had on hand.  We love thrifty, resourceful creativity!

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Gourmet NutRageous!

Gourmet NutRageous
Gluten Free and Dairy Free 
and better than the original (according to hubby)

Ok, so NutRageous has always been my favorite candy bar.  I remember one summer on vacation in Madison, CT my hubby and I were looking high and low at the various drug stores and grocery stores to satisfy my craving and when I was pregnant with B, 2 Christmas' ago, my husband got me a big box of NutRageous chocolate bars from Costco!   I had been craving them all pregnancy, but in Dallas we couldn't find them anywhere so when we were back in WA for Christmas, that big box of NutRageous bars was way better than a tiny box with something sparkly.  

SO, ever since I had B (now 18 months) I have been off dairy and now gluten, so I couldn't have a NutRageous even if I could track one down in Omaha, but I was really craving one last week while driving in the car and suddenly I knew what I had to do....

so here is what I did.....

Gluten Free Peanut Butter Cookies

1 cup peanut butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg

mix pb, sugar and egg and then form cookies and bake at 350 for 10 minutes.  let set for a few minutes then transfer to wire cooling rack.  I formed my cookies with a "canal" in the middle, pushing the length of my finger down the center rather than flattening with a fork, to hold the caramel.

I placed the cookies in muffin cups after making them, but you could start out making them in muffin cups to create a more uniform shape.  Line the cookies up on a cookie sheet.

Later that day when the cookies were cool and i had a minute, I made my mom's caramel corn recipe, her caramel corn is my favorite because the caramel is soft and doesn't break your teeth...perfect for a candy bar!
Dairy Free Caramel (make with real butter if you can have dairy)

2/3 cup sugar (all white or 1/2 white 1/2 brown)
1/4 cup light corn syrup
1/2 cup butter (I use best life buttery baking sticks they are dairy free)
1 tsp vanilla

combine sugar, butter and corn syrup in a small pot. Melt to boil then boil for 3 minutes while stirring.  Add Vanilla.  I let the caramel cool and thicken a little bit and then spooned it on top of the gluten free peanut butter cookies.  

Top caramel with a generous amount of peanuts and gently press into the caramel.

Set aside and let caramel set up completely, (a few minutes)

In a microwave safe bowl, put a bag of 60% cocoa ghiradelli chocolate chips (they're dairy free) in bowl and microwave for 1 minutes.  Stir with a fork then microwave another 40 seconds, stir with fork and then microwave another 40 seconds and stir till chocolate chips are all melted.

Spoon melted chocolate over the cookes and spread around covering the entire surface.

Cover cookies with plastic wrap or foil and place in the fridge so the chocolate will harden back up.  Keep refriderated and remove from fridge 10-15 minutes before serving so they can soften up a bit.  The chocolate melts really fast so having the nutrageous in a muffin cup helps keep the hands cleaner.  For my daughter we put on a cutting board and cut the candybar into bite size pieces and that made it easier and less messy to handle.  Personally...I don't mind having to lick the chocolate off my fingers after I've polished off one of these babies!

It may seem like a lot of work, but it was really just a couple easy steps that I just came back to when I had a spare moment here and there yesterday.  I mean, take the easiest ever cookies recipe and the easiest fastest ever caramel recipe and that's the hardest part!...yeah not very hard :)