Tossing Game

Land of Nod Version
$3 version of Monster Toss
I was reading my new issue of Parenting magazine that featured this popular toy called The Monster Toss. I thought it looked fun...but not for $35. So, I made my own for $3. JJ woke up from her nap today just as I finished coloring it and when she came out of her room and saw the silly monsters she just started jumping and laughing and pointing. She watched me cut out the first mouth hole and got even MORE excited. Daddy came home just in time to see the finished product and he and JJ played the Monster Toss pretty much the entire evening until bedtime (minus 1 hour when we went to the gym). JJ wowed us with her victory dance moves every time she finished getting all the objects in the monsters...
You could easily adapt this with any 3 characters for different themes. After making this, I came across the George of the Jungle Toss as a top seller at Land of Nod for $34.00
You can make this too! If you would like to see How to Make a Monster Toss click HERE.