Monday, July 16, 2012

Quick DIY Fireplace Update

Quick Easy 
DIY Fireplace Update

I have been doing tons of projects big, small, tedious, name it!  This May was our 1 year anniversary of living here in our first home and just as we were really feeling settled and starting to know what we wanted to do decorating wise (it took me a long time)...a great opportunity came up and my hubby's job is taking us to Georgia.  Our house was in great shape when we moved in a year ago so you wouldn't think there would be much to do to get it ready to go on the market....but there is still a lot to do.  One of the first, simple updates I did was paint the gold trim on the fireplace.  Our realtor said she spray painted hers black and I could not believe how brave she was to spray paint inside her house!  But I loved the idea so I found Krylon Satin Back Acrylic Latex Enamel paint at Walmart in the spray paint section and painted it on with a foam brush and it turned out perfect...I am so sad I didn't do this sooner so I could have enjoyed it more before listing the house (which will happen sometime within the next week).  $4 well spent!!!
I've done a couple other simple updates and projects so stay tuned...I've learned my lesson and will do these simple things right away in our next house!  (ps...So sad to sell this house...we LOVE it).

Here is the BEFORE.....outdated gold metal trim....

Here's all you need

Tape off the glass and handles if needed.

Here's how the first coat looked...I had a moment of panic if it was going to turn out super crappy...

Here is the second coat...looking a bit better....don't worry it dries pretty fast..5-10 minutes between coats
 Here is the 3rd coat.....
 and after the 4th coat (for good measure)

This is AFTER

So much better right?

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