Monday, March 19, 2012

Sorry Son, You Gave me No Other Choice

Does your toddler get undressed in bed, remove their diaper and get poop everywhere?

Well....mine has started to, and today was by far the worst...the other days it was just a little smeared up and down his legs as he pulled his diaper off but today it was $%#^ EVERYWHERE!!! Not the best way to start a Monday.....or any day for that matter!  He is like a little Houdini, I even put him to bed recently in a onesie shirt and osh kosh overalls but he's such a string bean, he shimmied his way right out the top.  I was so confused at first, the shirt and overalls were perfectly intact, nothing undone, the shirt, with it's long sleeves were still inside the overalls as if on display on a hanger.  So after complaining on facebook this morning I got some ideas I hadn't tried yet...putting a one piece sleeper on backwards.  The weather has dramatically changed here so his sleepers that fit are too hot, so I dug through his older sister's baby clothes and found this 12-18 month sleeper. It's good it was a little small for him, hopefully he won't be able to shimmy out the neck hole on these!  And I put em on backwards so as of now I'm hoping this works....I'll find out in the morning!  IT BETTER!  I am NOT interesting in cleaning up poop smeared bedding, bumper pads and crib rails...not to mention kid totally covered. BLEGH!

baby getting poop all over himself baby taking diaper off at night


  1. Oh my goodness, you poor thing. This only happened to me once and it was because I put him to bed in just a shirt and diaper. That's crazy how easily he can skip out of his clothes. Hopefully your new tactic will work. Good luck Candace.

  2. Thanks Crystal! It seemed to do the trick! It was funny though, this morning when he got up, he didn't want to get dressed in clothes, he wanted to get dressed into his regular blue PJs and be a boy again! lol

  3. LOL I'm sorry I know it sucks for you right now but in 10 yrs this will be an awesome story at the family reunion

  4. Eeek, hope it works!!! There's nothing worse!

    - Adele @ Mammy Made

  5. I love Chalkboard paint and have found so many great weekend projects to do. My fav is the wine glasses with chalkboard paint:


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