Saturday, September 11, 2010

Nutrition Update - Yeast

In my recent post about Nutrition, the nutritionist mentioned the "Yeast Connection" and "Candida Virus".  I finally got around to looking that up there is an actual book about the "Yeast Connection" and a handbook for women so I am waiting on that at my local library.  I'll be sure to review my findings after I go through it.  But for now, here is some more info on Yeast that I located on Dr. Bain's website.

Under certain conditions, Candida albicans can increase and upset the balance of your bacteria. This usually results in an infection known as Polysystemic Chronic Candidiasis (PCC) and can occur in men, women and children.

Physical symptoms can include:
• Digestive: cravings for sugar or breads, chronic bloating, cramps.
• Emotional: depression, irritability, inability to concentrate, frequent mood swings.
• Muscles/Joints: aching joints and muscles, feeling weak or tired.
• Weight: binge eating, excessive weight gain, water retention.
• Urogenital: frequent infections, itching, discharge.
• Other: premenstrual syndrome, headaches, rashes, delayed food allergies.

What causes Candida?
There are several factors which can allow
Candida albicans to overgrow in the lower intestinal tract. Frequent courses of steroidal drugs and antibiotics can depress the intestinal bacterial population which permits the overgrowth of yeast. The hormonal changes which occur when oral contraceptives are used or which can accompany pregnancies, have been implicated in increasing susceptibility to PCC in women.
Diets high in nutrients on which yeast thrive (i.e. sugars and other refined simple carbohydrates) encourage yeast overgrowth. Factors which depress immune function allow the opportunistic yeast Candida albicans to grow and multiply, causing PCC.

What is the next step?
If you believe you may have PCC and/or food allergies, speak with your physician and discuss the need for a thorough evaluation of your symptoms and to arrange confirmatory blood testing such as the Candida albicans Assay for
Candida albicans and the Immuno 1 BloodprintTM for Delayed Food Allergies.

Read Full Article Here!


  1. Great great stuff. This is also something we're teaching people about, haha. I'm so glad you're educating yourself on all this stuff. So many people don't even know about it and don't realize what they need to be doing to enjoy better health.

  2. That's awesome! As I'm learning about all this I'm thinking about how can everyone know about it too...that's why I post it on my blog!


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