Friday, March 26, 2010


Wahoo! Well I just got a fun surprise in my email! I found out that I won this giveaway over at One Small Change! I am the winner of these cute reusable produce bags made by Stephanie over at Gypsy Forest! Thank you to both Hip Mountain Mama for hosting the giveaway and Stephanie for providing her adorable reusable produce bags! I can't wait to see them in person and put them to use! I'm just so excited I just won a giveaway....yay!

Today...I'm feeling grateful for a few things that I just wanted to share. The day started off with a small thing...all week I've been pretty much an insomniac and unable to sleep and last night, I slept through the entire night! So I was VERY grateful for that! AND along with my insomnia this week, i've been so tired every morning and amazingly, my daughter must be having a growth spurt or something because every day this week, she didn't make a peep until at least 10:30 am so I could catch up on sleep in the morning that I couldn't get during the night!

But I'm also just very grateful for my husband. He is so supportive and willing to jump in at anytime to help me out. He does so much around here and I really can't complain about having a lazy husband who doesn't help me. He's hands on with our daughter when he gets home from work, he enjoys making dinner so I don't always have to worry about what to make, while I'm putting our daughter to bed, I'll often come out of her room to find he's cleaned up dinner and picked up the living room, he never hesitates to pull out the vacuum if he notices it needs to be done...and he can always make me smile even when I'm in the worst mood (which has been often lately!). He truly is my best friend and I'm just so grateful for all that he does for out family.

I'm also super grateful to have a sister. My sister and I now live VERY far apart and we don't talk on the phone everyday, but she is just the best! AND she just got a plane ticket to visit me this JUNE! She got it last night and I am just so super duper excited!

I'm feeling very lucky today!

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